Archives of Neurosurgery
Original Research - Spine
Misdiagnosis between coccygeal dislocation fracture and lumbosacral disc herniation
Gilberto Gardea-Loera, Gilberto Gardea-Ramírez, and Ylián Ramírez-Tapia
Microendoscopic Versus Open discectomy for the Treatment of Extruded Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparative Cohort Study
Juan Guapo Mendoza, Antonio Guapo Mendoza, Juan Arturo Muciño Mercado, Sonia Melisa Juarez, Arturo Gonzalez, and Vianney Guapo Ortiz
Educational Vignette
High-Grade AVM. Educational Vignette and Clinical Cases
Marcos Devanir Silva da Costa, Marcelo Augusto Acosta Goiri, Daniela Coelho, Juan Alberto Paz Archila, Talita Helena Martins Sarti, and Feres Chaddad-Neto
Editorial - Invited
Archives of Neurosurgery: The Scientific Home of Neurosurgery. The creation of the Unique Diamond-Open Access Journal in Neurosurgery with an author-friendly advisory peer-reviewing and publishing policy within reach of everyone in the world… born from the ashes of a World-Chaos.
José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Fiacro Jiménez Ponce, and José Antonio Soriano Sánchez