Most Recent Additions*
Microendoscopic Versus Open discectomy for the Treatment of Extruded Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparative Cohort Study
Juan Guapo Mendoza, Antonio Guapo Mendoza, Juan Arturo Muciño Mercado, Sonia Melisa Juarez, Arturo Gonzalez, and Vianney Guapo Ortiz
High-Grade AVM. Educational Vignette and Clinical Cases
Marcos Devanir Silva da Costa, Marcelo Augusto Acosta Goiri, Daniela Coelho, Juan Alberto Paz Archila, Talita Helena Martins Sarti, and Feres Chaddad-Neto
Misdiagnosis between coccygeal dislocation fracture and lumbosacral disc herniation
Gilberto Gardea-Loera, Gilberto Gardea-Ramírez, and Ylián Ramírez-Tapia
Archives of Neurosurgery: The Scientific Home of Neurosurgery. The creation of the Unique Diamond-Open Access Journal in Neurosurgery with an author-friendly advisory peer-reviewing and publishing policy within reach of everyone in the world… born from the ashes of a World-Chaos.
José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Fiacro Jiménez Ponce, and José Antonio Soriano Sánchez
Clinical Applications Of Direct Cortical Stimulation During Awake Craniotomies. Commentary On Passive Functional Mapping Using Infrared Thermography In Epilepsy Awake Surgery.
Ramiro Antonio Perez de la Torre, Ramanathan Siddarth, Pérez Ramírez Pedro, and Santiago Noé
Innocuous expectoration of an anterior C3 loosened screw—case report and literature review about a benevolent evolution with no esophageal injury
Gerson Reyes Rodriguez, José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Manuel Soto García, Manuel Rodriguez Garcia, Victor David Lopez Garcia, Iris Tatiana Montes González, and José Antonio Soriano Sánchez
L5-S1 Collapsed Space Is Not A Contraindication For ELIF. Technical Note And Preliminary Clinical Results
Iris Tatiana Montes González, Sergio Soriano Solis, Manuel Eduardo Soto García, Manuel Rodríguez García, Gerson Reyes Rodríguez., Víctor David López García, and José Antonio Soriano Sánchez
An unusual case of a giant intradiploic epidermoid cyst removed using a combined supra-infratentorial retromastoid approach.
César Adán Almendárez-Sánchez, Saúl Solorio-Pineda, Abrahan Alfonso Tafur-Grandett, Miguel Ángel Ramírez-Sosa Dr., Gabriel Arturo Ramos Martínez, and Leonardo Álvarez-Vázquez
The Many Worlds of Neurosurgery and the Labyrinth of Borges
Juan F. Villalonga, Giulia Guizzardi, and Domenico Solari
Passive Functional Mapping Using Infrared Thermography in Epilepsy Awake Surgery: Case Report
Enrique de Font-Réaulx, Javier Terrazo-Lluch, Paul Shkurovich-Bialik, Miguel Ángel Collado-Corona, Ernesto Ramírez-Navarrete, Luis Díaz-López MD, Alma Rosa Martínez-Rosas MSc, and Adalberto González-Astiazarán
The scientific divulgation in neurosurgery.
RODRIGO RAMOS-ZUÑIGA and Sergio Manuel Ibarra-Navarro
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and acute subdural hematoma, neurosurgical and endovascular rescue. Case report.
José Omar Santellan Resident, José Ramón Aguilar Dr., Abraham Ibarra Dr., and Ulises García Dr.
Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm: Surgical Technical nuances and results after 300 microvascular decompression surgeries
Rogelio Revuelta Gutiérrez, Miguel Vega-Arroyo, Olivia L. Vales-Hidalgo, Cynthia E. López-Rafael, Jesús Martínez-Manrique, and Sergio Moreno Jiménez
Issues to Publish in Latin America
Fiacro Jiménez Ponce, José Antonio Soriano Sánchez, and José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel
Neurosurgical Praxis Guidelines during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Consensus-based on currently available literature.
José Antonio Soriano Sánchez, Bárbara Nettel Rueda, José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Armando Alpizar Aguirre, Miguel Ángel Andrade-Ramos, Ulises García Dr., Diego Mendez Rosito, Jorge A. Santos, Sara Patricia Pérez Reyes, Julian Eduardo Soto Abraham, Jose E. Valerio Pascua, Marco Antonio Barajas Romero, Eduardo Díaz Juárez, Alma Griselda Ramírez Reyes, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Claudia Katiutska González Valdez, Félix Domínguez Cortinas, Noé Santiago Ramírez, Tenoch Herrada Pineda, Manuel Eduardo Soto García, Edgar Nathal Vera, and Gustavo Melo Guzmán
The sellar barrier’s: an important new concept in pituitary surgery.
Juan F. Villalonga and ALVARO CAMPERO
The Pipeline Endovascular Device versus the Flow Re-Direction Endoluminal Device for Cerebral Aneurysm. A One-Year Follow-up in a Single-Center Experience
Omar Pichardo, Alan Picazo, Omar Castillon, Jonathan Zuniga, and Gustavo Alan Juarez Jimenez
*Updated as of 09/12/24.